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SRNWP-EPS workshop

The Workshop will take place at CosmoCaixa (Barcelona Science Museum) in Barcelona city (Spain), from the 24th to 25thof October 2018. Tentatively, the Workshop will start on the 24th at 9:00 CET and it will end on the 25th at 17:00 CET.

SRNWP-EPS workshop
SRNWP-EPS workshop


The SRNWP-EPS II Project was established by EUMETNET under the umbrella of the Forecasting Project and the main aim of the Project is to contribute to build very high-resolution ensemble systems in Europe, resolving the convection-permitting scale phenomena.

The Project is coordinated by AEMET (Spain) and COMET-ARPAE (Italy) and it started July the 1st, 2015 and will continue until 31st December 2018. Twenty-one EUMETNET members agreed to participate in the current project. The Project is expected to continue in the next Phase III from January the 1st to 2023 the 31st December as Module SRNWP-EPS into the NWP cooperation

In the current framework of the SRNWP-EPS Phase II Project of EUMETNET the fourth and last Workshop is organized in 2018, on "Probabilistic prediction of severe weather phenomena: role of physics perturbations".


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