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Beaches forecast. Illes Balears

Beach:  Cala Estany

Location: Manacor 
Latitude39° 31' 4'' N - Longitude3° 18' 42'' E -  PositionSee location
Elaboration: Saturday, 8 February 2025
  Saturday 08Sunday 09Monday 10
Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon
State of the sky Very cloudy with rain/rain showers Cloudless sky Cloudless sky Cloudless sky Cloudless sky Very cloudy
Wind  moderate  moderate  light  light  light  light
Swell  slight  slight  slight  slight  moderate  slight
Maximum temperature (°C)
Feels like temperature  cool  cool  cool
Water temperature (°C)  14  16  15
Maximum UV index   2   2   2
  Saturday 08
Morning Afternoon
State of the sky Very cloudy with rain/rain showers Cloudless sky
Wind  moderate  moderate
Swell  slight  slight
Maximum temperature (°C)
Feels like temperature  cool
Water temperature (°C)  14
Maximum UV index   2
  Sunday 09
Morning Afternoon
State of the sky Cloudless sky Cloudless sky
Wind  light  light
Swell  slight  slight
Maximum temperature (°C)
Feels like temperature  cool
Water temperature (°C)  16
Maximum UV index   2
  Monday 10
Morning Afternoon
State of the sky Cloudless sky Very cloudy
Wind  light  light
Swell  moderate  slight
Maximum temperature (°C)
Feels like temperature  cool
Water temperature (°C)  15
Maximum UV index   2
This prediction is generated automatically from numerical and statistical models of weather forecast. The prediction of beaches establishes the state of cloudiness for certain hours, the 11:00 official hours as representative of the morning and 17:00 for the afternoon. It is also analyzed if precipitation is expected around these hours, between 08:00 and 14:00 in the morning and between 14:00 and 20:00 in the afternoon. Automatic generation may occasionally result, in special weather situations or in certain geographical areas, to not fully coincide with other predictions made by the Agency.
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