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In the framework of the SRNWP-EPS and Postprocessing projects of EUMETNET, the joint Workshop entitled "Practical Operational implementation of Statistical Post-Processing for ensemble forecasts" will take place by Bluejeans videoconference from the 27th to 30th of October 2020.

The SRNWP-EPS and Post-Processing 2019-2023 projects were established by EUMETNET as modules under the umbrella of NWP Cooperation Programme into Forecasting Programme.

The SRNWP-EPS main aim is to enhance the cooperation on convection-permitting LAM ensembles in Europe in order to better forecasting a range of weather phenomena and in particular for improving high impact weather prediction.

The Postprocessing module investigates current and future possibilities for the harmonization and better exploitation of post-processing and blending techniques through three main goals: (i) Defining the best-practices for the use of postprocessing, (ii) to demonstrate the benefits of postprocessing so that all EUMETNET members can benefit from this, (iii) to develop methods and tools to the benefit of EUMETNET members.

The SRNWP-EPS project is managed by AEMET (Spain), ItAF-REMET (Italy) and RMI (Belgium).

The Postprocessing is managed by RMI (Belgium).

More than twenty EUMETNET members agreed to participate in both projects.

The joint Workshop entitled "Practical Operational implementation of Statistical Post-Processing for ensemble forecasts" is organized by both SRNWP-EPS and Postprocessing projects in 2020 by videoconference due to pandemic situation.

The Workshop will take place during the last week of October 2020 from the 27th to 30th starting at 09:00 CET and finishing around 12:20 CET with two afternoon sessions devoted to non-European invited speakers or extra-discussions. It will be hold through BlueJeans video conferencing meetings.

The general aim of the Workshop is to bring together SRNWP-EPS and Postprocessing modules/projects' participants as well as scientists working in both Postprocessing and EPS fields. It is expected to presentand discuss new ideas and future lines of work applying postprocessing methodologies to convection-permitting LAM-EPS with a special focus on high impact weather and extremes.

The Workshop will be structured around presentations of invited speakers and participants, short oral poster-type presentations and discussion sessions.

For further information see next "Announcement and abstracts" documentation.

Announcement and abstracts:
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