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Weather forecast by locations. Province of Soria

7-day weather forecast by location
Abejar Adradas Ágreda Alconaba
Alcubilla de Avellaneda Alcubilla de las Peñas Aldealafuente Aldealices
Aldealpozo Aldealseñor Aldehuela de Periáñez Aldehuelas, Las
Alentisque Aliud Almajano Almaluez
Almarza Almazán Almazul Almenar de Soria
Alpanseque Arancón Arcos de Jalón Arenillas
Arévalo de la Sierra Ausejo de la Sierra Baraona Barca
Barcones Bayubas de Abajo Bayubas de Arriba Beratón
Berlanga de Duero Blacos Bliecos Borjabad
Borobia Buberos Buitrago Burgo de Osma-Ciudad de Osma
Cabrejas del Campo Cabrejas del Pinar Calatañazor Caltojar
Candilichera Cañamaque Carabantes Caracena
Carrascosa de Abajo Carrascosa de la Sierra Casarejos Castilfrío de la Sierra
Castillejo de Robledo Castilruiz Centenera de Andaluz Cerbón
Cidones Cigudosa Cihuela Ciria
Cirujales del Río Coscurita Covaleda Cubilla
Cubo de la Solana Cueva de Ágreda Dévanos Deza
Duruelo de la Sierra Escobosa de Almazán Espeja de San Marcelino Espejón
Estepa de San Juan Frechilla de Almazán Fresno de Caracena Fuentearmegil
Fuentecambrón Fuentecantos Fuentelmonge Fuentelsaz de Soria
Fuentepinilla Fuentes de Magaña Fuentestrún Garray
Golmayo Gómara Gormaz Herrera de Soria
Hinojosa del Campo Langa de Duero Liceras Losilla, La
Magaña Maján Matalebreras Matamala de Almazán
Medinaceli Miño de Medinaceli Miño de San Esteban Molinos de Duero
Momblona Monteagudo de las Vicarías Montejo de Tiermes Montenegro de Cameros
Morón de Almazán Muriel de la Fuente Muriel Viejo Nafría de Ucero
Narros Navaleno Nepas Nolay
Noviercas Ólvega Oncala Pinilla del Campo
Portillo de Soria Póveda de Soria, La Pozalmuro Quintana Redonda
Quintanas de Gormaz Quiñonería Rábanos, Los Rebollar
Recuerda Rello Renieblas Retortillo de Soria
Reznos Riba de Escalote, La Rioseco de Soria Rollamienta
Royo, El Salduero San Esteban de Gormaz San Felices
San Leonardo de Yagüe San Pedro Manrique Santa Cruz de Yanguas Santa María de Huerta
Santa María de las Hoyas Serón de Nágima Soliedra Soria
Sotillo del Rincón Suellacabras Tajahuerce Tajueco
Talveila Tardelcuende Taroda Tejado
Torlengua Torreblacos Torrubia de Soria Trévago
Ucero Vadillo Valdeavellano de Tera Valdegeña
Valdelagua del Cerro Valdemaluque Valdenebro Valdeprado
Valderrodilla Valtajeros Velamazán Velilla de la Sierra
Velilla de los Ajos Viana de Duero Villaciervos Villanueva de Gormaz
Villar del Ala Villar del Campo Villar del Río Villares de Soria, Los
Villasayas Villaseca de Arciel Vinuesa Vizmanos
Vozmediano Yanguas Yelo
Weather forecasts for 8124 locations in Spain. They must be considered as the more probable tendency of the meteorological evolution for the next 7 days.

The "Hourly weather forecast" shows the hour by hour-information up to 48 hours after the moment numerical models are updated (00,06,12,and 18 UTC), while the "7-Day weather forecast" reaches the whole period.

The local time for which all instantaneous variables are predicted is the one shown in the timeline. Variables accumulated in one hour (maximum gust, precipitation and snow) are related to the next hour (for example, the precipitation at 09:00 corresponds to the accumulated precipitation between 09:00 and 10:00).

Six-hourly intervals or greater correspond to UTC times. Therefore, one hour in winter time and two in summer time have to be added for local time.

They are automatically generated by statistical treatment of data coming from weather numerical models, which may result in some differences from other weather forecasts elaborated by AEMET staff, who interprets and adjusts the model results.

The selection made by locations gives rise to an information concerning weather forecasts for the capital or main city, due to some municipalities or locations may have a wide geographical area and significant differences in altitude, therefore some weather forecast data can vary from a place to another.
© AEMET. The use and reproduction of this information is authorized only if AEMET is identified as its author
Official aplication 'El Tiempo de AEMET' (Android & iOS)
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