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Weather forecast by locations. Province of Navarra

7-day weather forecast by location
Abáigar Abárzuza/Abartzuza Abaurregaina/Abaurrea Alta Abaurrepea/Abaurrea Baja
Aberin Ablitas Adiós Aguilar de Codés
Aibar/Oibar Allín/Allin Allo Altsasu/Alsasua
Améscoa Baja Ancín/Antzin Andosilla Ansoáin/Antsoain
Anue Añorbe Aoiz/Agoitz Araitz
Arakil Aranarache/Aranaratxe Aranguren Arano
Arantza Aras Arbizu Arce/Artzi
Arcos, Los Arellano Areso Arguedas
Aria Aribe Armañanzas Arróniz
Arruazu Artajona Artazu Atez/Atetz
Auritz/Burguete Ayegui/Aiegi Azagra Azuelo
Bakaiku Barañáin/Barañain Barásoain Barbarin
Bargota Barillas Basaburua Baztan
Beintza-Labaien Beire Belascoáin Bera
Berbinzana Beriáin Berrioplano/Berriobeiti Berriozar
Bertizarana Betelu Bidaurreta Biurrun-Olcoz
Buñuel Burgui/Burgi Burlada/Burlata Busto, El
Cabanillas Cabredo Cadreita Caparroso
Cárcar Carcastillo Cascante Cáseda
Castejón Castillonuevo Cendea de Olza/Oltza Zendea Cintruénigo
Cirauqui/Zirauki Ciriza/Ziritza Cizur Corella
Cortes Desojo Dicastillo Donamaria
Doneztebe/Santesteban Echarri/Etxarri Elgorriaga Enériz/Eneritz
Eratsun Ergoiena Erro Eslava
Esparza de Salazar/Espartza Zaraitzu Espronceda Estella-Lizarra Esteribar
Etayo Etxalar Etxarri Aranatz Etxauri
Eulate Ezcabarte Ezcároz/Ezkaroze Ezkurra
Ezprogui Falces Fitero Fontellas
Funes Fustiñana Galar Gallipienzo/Galipentzu
Gallués/Galoze Garaioa Garde Garínoain
Garralda Genevilla Goizueta Goñi
Güesa/Gorza Guesálaz/Gesalatz Guirguillano Hiriberri/Villanueva de Aezkoa
Huarte/Uharte Ibargoiti Igantzi Igúzquiza
Imotz Irañeta Irurtzun Isaba/Izaba
Ituren Iturmendi Izagaondoa Iza/Itza
Izalzu/Itzaltzu Jaurrieta Javier Juslapeña
Lakuntza Lana Lantz Lapoblación
Larraga Larraona Larraun Lazagurría
Leache/Leatxe Legarda Legaria Leitza
Lekunberri Leoz/Leotz Lerga Lerín
Lesaka Lezáun Liédena Lizoáin-Arriasgoiti
Lodosa Lónguida/Longida Lumbier Luquin
Luzaide/Valcarlos Mañeru Marañón Marcilla
Mélida Mendavia Mendaza Mendigorría
Metauten Milagro Mirafuentes Miranda de Arga
Monreal/Elo Monteagudo Morentin Mues
Murchante Murieta Murillo el Cuende Murillo el Fruto
Muruzábal Navascués/Nabaskoze Nazar Noáin (Valle de Elorz)/Noain (Elortzibar)
Obanos Ochagavía/Otsagabia Oco Odieta
Oiz Olaibar Olazti/Olazagutía Olejua
Olite/Erriberri Olóriz/Oloritz Orbaizeta Orbara
Orísoain Orkoien Oronz/Orontze Oroz-Betelu/Orotz-Betelu
Orreaga/Roncesvalles Oteiza Pamplona/Iruña Peralta/Azkoien
Petilla de Aragón Piedramillera Pitillas Puente la Reina/Gares
Pueyo Ribaforada Romanzado Roncal/Erronkari
Sada Saldías Salinas de Oro/Jaitz San Adrián
Sangüesa/Zangoza San Martín de Unx Sansol Santacara
Sarriés/Sartze Sartaguda Sesma Sorlada
Sunbilla Tafalla Tiebas-Muruarte de Reta Tirapu
Torralba del Río Torres del Río Tudela Tulebras
Ucar Uharte Arakil Ujué Ultzama
Unciti Unzué/Untzue Urdazubi/Urdax Urdiain
Urraul Alto Urraul Bajo Urroz Urroz-Villa
Urzainqui/Urzainki Uterga Uztárroz/Uztarroze Valle de Egüés/Eguesibar
Valle de Ollo/Ollaran Valle de Yerri/Deierri Valtierra Viana
Vidángoz/Bidankoze Villafranca Villamayor de Monjardín Villatuerta
Villava/Atarrabia Yesa Zabalza/Zabaltza Ziordia
Zizur Mayor/Zizur Nagusia Zubieta Zugarramurdi Zúñiga
Weather forecasts for 8124 locations in Spain. They must be considered as the more probable tendency of the meteorological evolution for the next 7 days.

The "Hourly weather forecast" shows the hour by hour-information up to 48 hours after the moment numerical models are updated (00,06,12,and 18 UTC), while the "7-Day weather forecast" reaches the whole period.

The local time for which all instantaneous variables are predicted is the one shown in the timeline. Variables accumulated in one hour (maximum gust, precipitation and snow) are related to the next hour (for example, the precipitation at 09:00 corresponds to the accumulated precipitation between 09:00 and 10:00).

Six-hourly intervals or greater correspond to UTC times. Therefore, one hour in winter time and two in summer time have to be added for local time.

They are automatically generated by statistical treatment of data coming from weather numerical models, which may result in some differences from other weather forecasts elaborated by AEMET staff, who interprets and adjusts the model results.

The selection made by locations gives rise to an information concerning weather forecasts for the capital or main city, due to some municipalities or locations may have a wide geographical area and significant differences in altitude, therefore some weather forecast data can vary from a place to another.
© AEMET. The use and reproduction of this information is authorized only if AEMET is identified as its author
Official aplication 'El Tiempo de AEMET' (Android & iOS)
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