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Today and last days. Principado de Asturias

Updated: Friday, 14 February 2025 11:42 (official time)
Date and hour:  Friday, 14 February 2025 08:00 (official time)
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Humidity (%)


Aller, Felechosa Asturias 5.55.5 55 5-South-eastSouth-east 1010 5-South-eastSouth-east 0.00.0     81.081.0
Amieva, Panizales Asturias 8.28.2 00 1-CalmCalm 66 4-EastEast 0.00.0     86.086.0
Asturias Aeropuerto Asturias 9.89.8 1313 7-South-westSouth-west 3030 6-SouthSouth 0.00.0 1002.21002.2 0.40.4 86.086.0
Cabo Busto Asturias 9.29.2 1919 6-SouthSouth 2424 6-SouthSouth 0.00.0 1009.61009.6 0.00.0 84.084.0
Cabo Peñas Asturias 11.611.6 88 8-WestWest 1616 7-South-westSouth-west 0.00.0     88.088.0
Cabrales Asturias 9.49.4 44 3-North-eastNorth-east 66 3-North-eastNorth-east 0.00.0     83.083.0
Castropol Asturias 13.213.2 88 7-South-westSouth-west 1616 7-South-westSouth-west 0.00.0     61.061.0
Colunga Asturias 10.010.0 88 7-South-westSouth-west 1313 7-South-westSouth-west 0.00.0     97.097.0
Degaña Asturias 3.53.5 66 3-North-eastNorth-east 1616 3-North-eastNorth-east 0.00.0     89.089.0
Gijón, Campus Asturias 7.57.5 66 5-South-eastSouth-east 88 5-South-eastSouth-east 0.00.0 1014.11014.1 0.20.2 98.098.0
Ibias, San Antolin Asturias 7.17.1 22 3-North-eastNorth-east 1717 8-WestWest 0.00.0     76.076.0
Lena, Ronzón Asturias 5.45.4 33 7-South-westSouth-west 66 7-South-westSouth-west 0.00.0     95.095.0
Llanes Asturias 10.310.3 88 7-South-westSouth-west 1212 7-South-westSouth-west 0.00.0 1016.11016.1 0.30.3 89.089.0
Mieres, Baiña Asturias 6.76.7 00 1-CalmCalm 33 3-North-eastNorth-east 0.00.0     100.0100.0
Oviedo Asturias 8.58.5 99 6-SouthSouth 1111 6-SouthSouth 0.00.0 977.8977.8 0.20.2 93.093.0
Pajares-Valgrande Asturias 3.13.1 2121 6-SouthSouth 3636 6-SouthSouth 0.00.0     97.097.0
Piloña, Bargaéu Asturias 6.46.4 00 1-CalmCalm 55 4-EastEast 0.00.0     100.0100.0
Pola de Somiedo Asturias 4.84.8 00 1-CalmCalm 66 5-South-eastSouth-east 0.00.0     94.094.0
Puerto de Leitariegos Asturias 0.90.9 1010 5-South-eastSouth-east 1616 6-SouthSouth 0.00.0 848.1848.1 0.00.0 97.097.0
Salas, Camuño Asturias 6.16.1 33 2-NorthNorth 88 3-North-eastNorth-east 0.00.0     96.096.0
Sotres, Parque Nacional Picos de Europa Asturias 6.46.4 00 1-CalmCalm 55 8-WestWest 0.00.0 878.0878.0 0.10.1 71.071.0
Taramundi, Ouria Asturias 12.012.0 1515 6-SouthSouth 2929 6-SouthSouth 0.00.0     66.066.0
Tineo, Soutu Asturias 4.74.7 00 1-CalmCalm 44 9-North-westNorth-west 0.00.0     98.098.0
Vega de Ario, Parque Nacional Picos de Europa Asturias                  
Vega de Urriellu, Parque Nacional Picos de Europa Asturias 3.03.0 1414 6-SouthSouth 1717 6-SouthSouth   802.6802.6 0.10.1 51.051.0
Villayón, Oneta Asturias 10.210.2 55 4-EastEast 99 5-South-eastSouth-east 0.00.0     75.075.0
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