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Today and last days. Roquetas de Mar

Updated: Saturday, 21 September 2024 04:42 (official time)
Climate index: 6293X -  Altitude (m): 3
Latitude36° 41' 13'' N - Longitude2° 42' 6'' W -  PositionSee location
MunicipioRoquetas de Mar (Almería) - Ver predicción
Registros - de
Fecha y hora oficial


Temp. (°C)


Wind speed (km/h)


Wind dir.


Gust (km/h)


Gust dir.


Prec. (mm)


Pressure (hPa)


Tend. (hPa)


Humidity (%)


21/09/2024 04:00 24.3 20 4-EastEast 35 4-EastEast 0.0 1012.3 -1.1 70
21/09/2024 03:00 24.3 22 4-EastEast 41 4-EastEast 0.0 1012.4 -0.8 72
21/09/2024 02:00 24.1 26 4-EastEast 38 4-EastEast 0.0 1012.7 -0.6 67
21/09/2024 01:00 24.1 23 4-EastEast 40 4-EastEast 0.0 1013.4 0.1 70
21/09/2024 00:00 24.1 23 4-EastEast 35 4-EastEast 0.0 1013.2 0.5 69
20/09/2024 23:00 23.7 18 4-EastEast 31 4-EastEast 0.0 1013.3 1.0 71
20/09/2024 22:00 24.1 19 4-EastEast 28 4-EastEast 0.0 1013.3 1.2 66
20/09/2024 21:00 24.4 13 4-EastEast 24 4-EastEast 0.0 1012.7 0.7 73
20/09/2024 20:00 24.7 17 4-EastEast 24 4-EastEast 0.0 1012.3 0.0 72
20/09/2024 19:00 25.6 18 5-South-eastSouth-east 26 5-South-eastSouth-east 0.0 1012.1 -0.8 67
20/09/2024 18:00 26.8 14 4-EastEast 23 4-EastEast 0.0 1012.0 -1.3 67
20/09/2024 17:00 27.2 18 4-EastEast 31 4-EastEast 0.0 1012.3 -1.0 64
20/09/2024 16:00 26.6 25 4-EastEast 38 4-EastEast 0.0 1012.9 -0.4 68
20/09/2024 15:00 25.8 27 5-South-eastSouth-east 42 4-EastEast 0.0 1013.3 -0.2 71
20/09/2024 14:00 26.4 26 5-South-eastSouth-east 38 4-EastEast 0.0 1013.3 -0.1 68
20/09/2024 13:00 28.3 26 4-EastEast 36 4-EastEast 0.0 1013.3 -0.2 57
20/09/2024 12:00 26.9 24 4-EastEast 41 4-EastEast 0.0 1013.5 0.2 59
20/09/2024 11:00 26.0 24 4-EastEast 37 4-EastEast 0.0 1013.4 0.4 59
20/09/2024 10:00 25.2 20 4-EastEast 30 4-EastEast 0.0 1013.5 0.5 61
20/09/2024 09:00 22.1 8 3-North-eastNorth-east 19 4-EastEast 0.0 1013.3 0.3 69
20/09/2024 08:00 21.8 14 4-EastEast 23 4-EastEast 0.0 1013.0 -0.2 76
20/09/2024 07:00 21.9 14 4-EastEast 23 4-EastEast 0.0 1013.0 -0.5 75
20/09/2024 06:00 21.9 13 4-EastEast 20 4-EastEast 0.0 1013.0 -0.8 77
20/09/2024 05:00 21.9 12 4-EastEast 22 4-EastEast 0.0 1013.2 -0.8 77
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