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Weather forecast by locations. Province of Ciudad Real

7-day weather forecast by location
Abenójar Agudo Alamillo Albaladejo
Alcázar de San Juan Alcoba Alcolea de Calatrava Alcubillas
Aldea del Rey Alhambra Almadén Almadenejos
Almagro Almedina Almodóvar del Campo Almuradiel
Anchuras Arenales de San Gregorio Arenas de San Juan Argamasilla de Alba
Argamasilla de Calatrava Arroba de los Montes Ballesteros de Calatrava Bolaños de Calatrava
Brazatortas Cabezarados Cabezarrubias del Puerto Calzada de Calatrava
Campo de Criptana Cañada de Calatrava Caracuel de Calatrava Carrión de Calatrava
Carrizosa Castellar de Santiago Chillón Ciudad Real
Corral de Calatrava Cortijos, Los Cózar Daimiel
Fernán Caballero Fontanarejo Fuencaliente Fuenllana
Fuente el Fresno Granátula de Calatrava Guadalmez Herencia
Hinojosas de Calatrava Horcajo de los Montes Labores, Las Llanos del Caudillo
Luciana Malagón Manzanares Membrilla
Mestanza Miguelturra Montiel Moral de Calatrava
Navalpino Navas de Estena Pedro Muñoz Picón
Piedrabuena Poblete Porzuna Pozuelo de Calatrava
Pozuelos de Calatrava, Los Puebla de Don Rodrigo Puebla del Príncipe Puerto Lápice
Puertollano Retuerta del Bullaque Robledo, El Ruidera
Saceruela San Carlos del Valle San Lorenzo de Calatrava Santa Cruz de los Cáñamos
Santa Cruz de Mudela Socuéllamos Solana, La Solana del Pino
Terrinches Tomelloso Torralba de Calatrava Torre de Juan Abad
Torrenueva Valdemanco del Esteras Valdepeñas Valenzuela de Calatrava
Villahermosa Villamanrique Villamayor de Calatrava Villanueva de la Fuente
Villanueva de los Infantes Villanueva de San Carlos Villar del Pozo Villarrubia de los Ojos
Villarta de San Juan Viso del Marqués
Weather forecasts for 8124 locations in Spain. They must be considered as the more probable tendency of the meteorological evolution for the next 7 days.

The "Hourly weather forecast" shows the hour by hour-information up to 48 hours after the moment numerical models are updated (00,06,12,and 18 UTC), while the "7-Day weather forecast" reaches the whole period.

The local time for which all instantaneous variables are predicted is the one shown in the timeline. Variables accumulated in one hour (maximum gust, precipitation and snow) are related to the next hour (for example, the precipitation at 09:00 corresponds to the accumulated precipitation between 09:00 and 10:00).

Six-hourly intervals or greater correspond to UTC times. Therefore, one hour in winter time and two in summer time have to be added for local time.

They are automatically generated by statistical treatment of data coming from weather numerical models, which may result in some differences from other weather forecasts elaborated by AEMET staff, who interprets and adjusts the model results.

The selection made by locations gives rise to an information concerning weather forecasts for the capital or main city, due to some municipalities or locations may have a wide geographical area and significant differences in altitude, therefore some weather forecast data can vary from a place to another.
© AEMET. The use and reproduction of this information is authorized only if AEMET is identified as its author
Official aplication 'El Tiempo de AEMET' (Android & iOS)
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