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Today and last days. Castilla y León

Updated: Saturday, 21 September 2024 03:42 (official time)
Date and hour:  Friday, 20 September 2024 12:00 (official time)
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Aguilar de Campoo Palencia 17.517.5 44 4-EastEast 66 4-EastEast 0.00.0     8080
Alcañices Zamora 16.516.5 88 8-WestWest 1313 8-WestWest 0.00.0     7575
Aldeanueva de Serrezuela Segovia 15.915.9 1313 8-WestWest 1919 7-South-westSouth-west 0.00.0     7575
Almazul Soria 16.216.2 1010 6-SouthSouth 2121 6-SouthSouth 0.00.0     7979
Aranda de Duero Burgos 18.218.2 55 7-South-westSouth-west 1717 7-South-westSouth-west 0.00.0 925.1925.1 1.01.0 6262
Arcos de Jalón Soria 16.416.4 55 3-North-eastNorth-east 99 4-EastEast 0.00.0     7575
Arevalo Ávila 18.818.8 1010 6-SouthSouth 2222 6-SouthSouth 0.00.0     6363
Astorga León 18.218.2 55 2-NorthNorth 1212 6-SouthSouth 0.00.0     6464
Autilla del Pino Palencia 15.115.1 55 5-South-eastSouth-east 1414 5-South-eastSouth-east 0.00.0     8686
Ávila Ávila 14.714.7 1111 5-South-eastSouth-east 2525 5-South-eastSouth-east 0.00.0 888.4888.4 1.11.1 8484
Bañobárez Salamanca 19.719.7 1212 6-SouthSouth 2626 6-SouthSouth 0.00.0     7272
Barbadillo Salamanca 16.816.8 55 2-NorthNorth 99 3-North-eastNorth-east 0.00.0     7676
Barco de Avila Ávila 19.619.6 1010 5-South-eastSouth-east 1919 5-South-eastSouth-east 0.00.0     5555
Barrios de Luna, Miñera León 14.414.4 66 7-South-westSouth-west 1010 2-NorthNorth 0.00.0     8989
Belorado Burgos 16.516.5 44 4-EastEast 1212 4-EastEast 0.00.0     7878
Benavente Zamora 18.918.9 33 2-NorthNorth 1515 3-North-eastNorth-east 0.00.0 932.8932.8 0.90.9 6161
Boadilla Fuente San Esteban Salamanca 18.218.2 88 8-WestWest 1717 7-South-westSouth-west 0.00.0     7676
Briviesca Burgos 16.416.4 99 6-SouthSouth 1818 6-SouthSouth 0.00.0     8282
Burgo de Osma Soria 17.717.7 99 4-EastEast 1515 4-EastEast 0.00.0     6969
Burgos Aeropuerto Burgos 18.118.1 33 5-South-eastSouth-east 1010 5-South-eastSouth-east 0.00.0 913.3913.3 0.60.6 7373
Bustillo del Páramo León 17.717.7 44 3-North-eastNorth-east 1010 4-EastEast 0.00.0     6666
Candeleda Ávila 18.818.8 55 3-North-eastNorth-east 88 3-North-eastNorth-east 0.00.0     8585
Carrión de los Condes Palencia 17.617.6 77 3-North-eastNorth-east 1515 5-South-eastSouth-east 0.00.0 921.0921.0 0.60.6 6969
Cebreros Ávila 14.514.5 22 7-South-westSouth-west 66 6-SouthSouth 0.00.0     9696
Cervera de Pisuerga Palencia 15.415.4 44 6-SouthSouth 1010 7-South-westSouth-west 0.00.0 886.5886.5 0.50.5 8181
Cordiñanes de Valdeón, Parque Nacional Picos de Europa León 19.019.0 00 1-CalmCalm 44 2-NorthNorth   935.5935.5 -0.1-0.1 7272
Coreses Zamora 17.517.5 33 2-NorthNorth 77 2-NorthNorth 0.00.0     6969
Coruña del Conde Burgos 16.516.5 1313 5-South-eastSouth-east 2121 5-South-eastSouth-east 0.00.0     7272
Cubillas de Rueda León 17.617.6 44 9-North-westNorth-west 88 9-North-westNorth-west 0.00.0     6464
Cuéllar Segovia 18.218.2 77 8-WestWest 1313 7-South-westSouth-west 0.00.0     7070
El Bodón Base Aérea Salamanca 17.417.4 1515 5-South-eastSouth-east 3030 6-SouthSouth 0.00.0     7979
El Maíllo Salamanca 16.616.6 1111 6-SouthSouth 2525 7-South-westSouth-west 0.00.0     7373
Fresno de Cantespino Segovia 16.416.4 33 9-North-westNorth-west 88 9-North-westNorth-west 0.00.0     8585
Fresno de Sayago Zamora 18.118.1 33 4-EastEast 77 2-NorthNorth 0.00.0     7272
Fuente el Sol Valladolid 19.619.6 44 6-SouthSouth 1212 5-South-eastSouth-east 0.00.0     4949
Fuentesauco Zamora 16.516.5 22 8-WestWest 66 9-North-westNorth-west 0.00.0     7777
Gotarrendura Ávila 18.218.2 1313 6-SouthSouth 3535 5-South-eastSouth-east 0.00.0     7171
La Covatilla, estación de esquí Salamanca 11.411.4 1414 3-North-eastNorth-east 2626 3-North-eastNorth-east 0.00.0 803.6803.6 0.50.5 8888
Lagunas de Somoza León 14.914.9 33 3-North-eastNorth-east 1010 4-EastEast 0.00.0 899.8899.8 0.60.6 7575
La Póveda de Soria, Barriomartín Soria 12.112.1 77 6-SouthSouth 1313 6-SouthSouth 0.00.0     9191
La Riba de Escalote Soria 16.616.6 3131 7-South-westSouth-west 4242 7-South-westSouth-west 0.00.0     7070
León, Virgen del Camino León 15.715.7 77 4-EastEast 1111 3-North-eastNorth-east 0.00.0 910.8910.8 0.50.5 7272
Liceras Soria 17.317.3 1414 7-South-westSouth-west 2121 6-SouthSouth 0.00.0     6868
Lubia Soria 17.117.1 1010 7-South-westSouth-west 1717 6-SouthSouth 0.00.0     6969
Medina de Pomar Burgos 17.517.5 22 8-WestWest 88 7-South-westSouth-west 0.00.0 948.3948.3 0.20.2 7878
Medina de Rioseco Valladolid 16.916.9 55 6-SouthSouth 1212 6-SouthSouth 0.00.0     7878
Miguelañez Segovia 16.516.5 66 8-WestWest 1010 8-WestWest 0.00.0     8484
Miranda de Ebro Burgos 20.120.1 77 5-South-eastSouth-east 1414 5-South-eastSouth-east 0.00.0     7272
Monterrubio de la Demanda Burgos 14.814.8 44 6-SouthSouth 66 6-SouthSouth 0.00.0     8585
Morales del Toro Zamora 18.018.0 55 5-South-eastSouth-east 99 6-SouthSouth 0.00.0     7070
Morón de Almazán Soria 18.518.5 1010 6-SouthSouth 1818 7-South-westSouth-west 0.00.0     6565
Muñotello Ávila 17.717.7 33 8-WestWest 2525 6-SouthSouth 0.00.0     6363
Navasfrías Salamanca 14.614.6 88 5-South-eastSouth-east 2323 5-South-eastSouth-east 0.00.0     9393
Olmedo, Depósito de Agua Valladolid 18.818.8 77 6-SouthSouth 1313 7-South-westSouth-west 0.00.0     6565
Ólvega Soria 16.016.0 77 6-SouthSouth 1818 5-South-eastSouth-east 0.00.0     7575
Palacios de la Sierra Burgos 14.814.8 55 6-SouthSouth 1919 6-SouthSouth 0.00.0 894.2894.2 0.90.9 7777
Palencia Palencia 15.915.9 44 5-South-eastSouth-east 1111 6-SouthSouth 0.00.0     8383
Pedraza Segovia 15.915.9 55 3-North-eastNorth-east 88 3-North-eastNorth-east 0.00.0     7373
Pedraza de Alba Salamanca 18.118.1 55 8-WestWest 1212 8-WestWest 0.00.0     6565
Pedrosa del Príncipe Burgos 17.217.2 1010 5-South-eastSouth-east 1717 5-South-eastSouth-east 0.00.0     7373
Pedrosillo de Los Aires Salamanca 18.518.5 77 8-WestWest 1414 7-South-westSouth-west 0.00.0     7070
Peñafiel Valladolid 17.617.6         0.00.0     7373
Peñausende Zamora 15.315.3 00 1-CalmCalm     0.00.0 901.0901.0 1.01.0 8383
Ponferrada León 15.515.5 44 5-South-eastSouth-east 1111 5-South-eastSouth-east 0.00.0 953.0953.0 1.01.0 8585
Posada de Valdeón, Soto León 16.316.3         0.00.0     8989
Pozuelo de Tabara Zamora 17.817.8 66 2-NorthNorth 1313 2-NorthNorth 0.00.0     6666
Puerto del Pico Ávila 13.913.9 55 6-SouthSouth 2121 6-SouthSouth 0.00.0     8484
Puerto de San Isidro León 15.115.1 1212 4-EastEast 1818 4-EastEast 0.00.0 849.1849.1 0.50.5 7272
Quintana del Castillo, Villameca León 16.716.7 44 7-South-westSouth-west 1111 6-SouthSouth 0.00.0     6767
Riaño León 15.615.6 33 3-North-eastNorth-east 88 3-North-eastNorth-east 0.00.0     7878
Rivilla de Barajas Ávila 18.618.6 77 4-EastEast 1414 4-EastEast 0.00.0     7171
Rueda Valladolid 18.018.0 88 7-South-westSouth-west 1313 7-South-westSouth-west 0.00.0     7070
Saelices El Chico Salamanca 19.619.6 1414 6-SouthSouth 2626 6-SouthSouth 0.00.0 936.3936.3 0.80.8 6464
Salamanca Salamanca 17.617.6 44 3-North-eastNorth-east 1212 3-North-eastNorth-east 0.00.0 926.1926.1 0.90.9 7676
Salamanca Aeropuerto Salamanca 17.517.5 44 2-NorthNorth 99 2-NorthNorth 0.00.0 924.2924.2 1.41.4 7979
Sanabria, Robleda-Cervantes Zamora 13.813.8 00 1-CalmCalm 55 5-South-eastSouth-east 0.40.4     9090
San Pedro Manrique Soria 14.614.6 77 7-South-westSouth-west 1717 7-South-westSouth-west 0.00.0     7878
San Rafael Segovia 12.312.3         0.00.0     9393
Santa Gadea de Alfoz Burgos 15.015.0         0.00.0      
Santervás de la Vega, Villapún Palencia 16.916.9 77 4-EastEast 1414 6-SouthSouth 0.00.0     6868
Santibañez de Vidriales Zamora 17.117.1 44 3-North-eastNorth-east 1111 3-North-eastNorth-east 0.00.0     6767
Sardón de Duero Valladolid 18.818.8 99 8-WestWest 1515 8-WestWest 0.00.0     6969
Sargentes de la Lora Burgos                  
Segovia Segovia 16.716.7 66 9-North-westNorth-west 1414 8-WestWest 0.00.0 901.5901.5 1.01.0 7979
Soria Soria 14.214.2 55 5-South-eastSouth-east 99 6-SouthSouth 0.00.0 894.1894.1 1.11.1 8686
Ucero Soria 15.515.5         0.00.0     8484
Valencia de Don Juan León 16.716.7 44 3-North-eastNorth-east 1313 3-North-eastNorth-east 0.00.0     7474
Valladolid Valladolid 17.517.5 88 6-SouthSouth 1515 6-SouthSouth 0.00.0 930.2930.2 1.41.4 7474
Vega de Espinareda León 15.615.6         0.00.0     8282
Velilla del Río Carrión, Camporredondo de Alba Palencia 15.215.2 33 8-WestWest 99 4-EastEast 0.00.0     7575
Villablino León 14.914.9 00 1-CalmCalm 44 6-SouthSouth 0.00.0     8080
Villadepera Zamora 16.916.9 55 9-North-westNorth-west 1212 9-North-westNorth-west 0.00.0     7373
Villadiego Burgos 18.618.6 66 6-SouthSouth 1515 5-South-eastSouth-east 0.00.0     7272
Villaeles de Valdavia Palencia 17.517.5 1010 6-SouthSouth 1919 6-SouthSouth 0.00.0     7272
Villafáfila Zamora 16.516.5 00 1-CalmCalm 77 9-North-westNorth-west 0.00.0     8080
Villalón de Campos Valladolid                  
Villamayor de los Montes Burgos 16.516.5 1212 6-SouthSouth 1818 6-SouthSouth 0.00.0     7979
Villardeciervos Zamora 16.916.9 33 7-South-westSouth-west 88 7-South-westSouth-west 0.00.0 918.2918.2 0.50.5 6262
Villarino de los Aires Salamanca 18.618.6 66 9-North-westNorth-west 99 9-North-westNorth-west 0.00.0     6868
Vinuesa, Quintanarejo Soria 13.013.0         0.00.0     9292
Vitigudino Salamanca 18.918.9 1212 7-South-westSouth-west 2222 7-South-westSouth-west 0.00.0 926.5926.5 1.01.0 6565
Zamora Zamora 17.917.9 44 4-EastEast 1010 5-South-eastSouth-east 0.00.0 939.3939.3 1.21.2 7070
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