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Today and last days. Aragón

Updated: Friday, 20 September 2024 02:42 (official time)
Date and hour:  Thursday, 19 September 2024 08:00 (official time)
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Humidity (%)


Aínsa-Sobrarbe, La Serreta Huesca 11.511.5 66 2-NorthNorth 99 9-North-westNorth-west 0.00.0     9595
Albarracín Teruel 13.113.1 66 6-SouthSouth 1111 7-South-westSouth-west 0.00.0     8787
Alcañiz Teruel 13.613.6 44 7-South-westSouth-west 99 8-WestWest 0.00.0     8686
Alhama de Aragon Zaragoza 14.214.2         0.00.0     8585
Almudévar Huesca 14.814.8 77 4-EastEast 1515 4-EastEast 0.00.0     8888
Andorra, Horcallana Teruel 14.614.6 33 2-NorthNorth 1111 6-SouthSouth 0.00.0     7777
Aragüés del Puerto Huesca 12.812.8 33 7-South-westSouth-west 55 8-WestWest 0.00.0 899.4899.4 -0.2-0.2 7676
Astún- La Raca Huesca 4.34.3 1212 5-South-eastSouth-east 2020 6-SouthSouth 0.00.0     100100
Bailo, Puyalto Huesca 14.314.3 88 6-SouthSouth 2727 5-South-eastSouth-east 0.00.0     7979
Ballobar Huesca 14.514.5 00 1-CalmCalm 77 8-WestWest 0.00.0     8888
Barbastro Huesca 12.712.7 00 1-CalmCalm 44 7-South-westSouth-west 0.00.0     9494
Bello Teruel 12.212.2 1515 6-SouthSouth 2121 6-SouthSouth 0.00.0     9393
Benabarre Huesca 10.710.7 55 4-EastEast 1212 3-North-eastNorth-east 0.00.0     9393
Benasque Huesca 5.95.9 00 1-CalmCalm 33 5-South-eastSouth-east 0.00.0     9898
Bielsa Huesca 8.08.0 00 1-CalmCalm 88 2-NorthNorth 0.00.0 903.9903.9 -0.1-0.1 9696
Biescas, Embalse de Búbal Huesca 7.47.4 00 1-CalmCalm 33 8-WestWest 0.00.0     9494
Calamocha Teruel 13.613.6 33 7-South-westSouth-west 1111 6-SouthSouth 0.00.0 914.3914.3 -0.2-0.2 8585
Calanda Teruel 16.316.3 44 8-WestWest 1414 7-South-westSouth-west 0.00.0 960.9960.9 0.10.1 6363
Calatayud Zaragoza 13.313.3 33 8-WestWest 66 8-WestWest 0.00.0 946.8946.8 -0.4-0.4 8888
Canfranc Huesca 7.67.6 00 1-CalmCalm 33 3-North-eastNorth-east 0.00.0     9898
Capella, Laguarres Huesca 9.99.9 33 6-SouthSouth 66 3-North-eastNorth-east 0.00.0     8989
Caspe, Plana del Pilón Zaragoza 16.516.5 99 4-EastEast 2121 4-EastEast 0.00.0 989.3989.3 0.00.0 8888
Castejon de Valdejasa Zaragoza 14.514.5 2020 4-EastEast 2626 4-EastEast 0.00.0     8787
Castellote Teruel 13.113.1 00 1-CalmCalm 66 5-South-eastSouth-east 0.00.0     8383
Cedrillas Teruel 11.211.2 99 6-SouthSouth 1414 5-South-eastSouth-east 0.00.0     9494
Cerler, Cogulla Huesca 2.92.9 44 6-SouthSouth 1414 7-South-westSouth-west 0.00.0     100100
Daroca Zaragoza 15.215.2 33 6-SouthSouth 1010 6-SouthSouth 0.00.0     7878
Ejea de los Caballeros Zaragoza 16.116.1 33 4-EastEast 1111 4-EastEast 0.00.0     8282
Fonfría Teruel 11.311.3 2222 6-SouthSouth 3131 6-SouthSouth 0.00.0     9595
Formigal, Sarrios Huesca 6.16.1         0.00.0     8686
Fraga Huesca 15.915.9 33 4-EastEast 2727 3-North-eastNorth-east 0.00.0     8484
Hijar Teruel 14.814.8 55 7-South-westSouth-west 1212 7-South-westSouth-west 0.00.0     8888
Huesca Huesca 15.615.6         0.00.0     7979
Huesca, Aeropuerto Huesca 14.414.4 1111 4-EastEast 2121 4-EastEast 0.00.0 950.8950.8 -0.4-0.4 7272
Jabaloyas Teruel 10.510.5 77 6-SouthSouth 1919 6-SouthSouth 0.00.0     9797
Jaca Huesca 12.812.8 66 3-North-eastNorth-east 1616 4-EastEast 0.00.0 920.4920.4 -0.2-0.2 8080
La Almunia de Doña Godina Zaragoza 12.012.0 00 1-CalmCalm 66 7-South-westSouth-west 0.00.0     9393
Lanaja Huesca 14.714.7 55 6-SouthSouth 88 6-SouthSouth 0.00.0     8686
Leciñena Zaragoza 15.415.4 1515 4-EastEast 2222 4-EastEast 0.00.0     8585
Montalbán Teruel 15.015.0 44 6-SouthSouth 1414 8-WestWest 0.00.0     7777
Mosqueruela Teruel 10.510.5 77 8-WestWest 1818 7-South-westSouth-west 0.00.0     9292
Muniesa Teruel 12.812.8 00 1-CalmCalm 55 4-EastEast 0.00.0     9090
Panticosa, Petrosos Huesca 6.66.6 33 6-SouthSouth 66 6-SouthSouth 0.00.0     9292
Parador de Ordesa, Parque Nacional Ordesa y Monteperdido Huesca 9.09.0 22 3-North-eastNorth-east 44 4-EastEast   880.6880.6 -0.3-0.3 9393
Quinto Zaragoza 15.315.3 33 5-South-eastSouth-east 1010 7-South-westSouth-west 0.00.0     8686
Sabiñánigo Huesca 10.910.9 00 1-CalmCalm 88 6-SouthSouth 0.00.0     9191
Santa Eulalia del Campo Teruel 11.311.3 99 7-South-westSouth-west 1313 6-SouthSouth 0.00.0     9595
Sariñena Huesca 14.014.0 44 8-WestWest 88 8-WestWest 0.00.0     9494
Seira Huesca 8.78.7 00 1-CalmCalm 33 6-SouthSouth 0.00.0     9797
Sopeira Huesca 11.611.6 1919 9-North-westNorth-west 3333 9-North-westNorth-west 0.00.0     8888
Sos del Rey Católico Zaragoza 15.315.3 88 5-South-eastSouth-east 1616 4-EastEast 0.00.0     8383
Tamarite de Litera, La Melusa Huesca 14.114.1 00 1-CalmCalm 1212 3-North-eastNorth-east 0.00.0     9090
Tarazona Zaragoza 15.115.1 99 6-SouthSouth 1515 6-SouthSouth 0.00.0     8888
Teruel Teruel 14.414.4 22 2-NorthNorth 66 6-SouthSouth 0.00.0 912.8912.8 -0.2-0.2 8585
Torla - Ordesa Huesca 10.010.0 33 2-NorthNorth 55 2-NorthNorth 0.00.0     9191
Torla-Ordesa, El Cebollar Huesca 5.85.8 77 2-NorthNorth 1010 2-NorthNorth 0.00.0     100100
Valderrobres Teruel 10.810.8 00 1-CalmCalm 55 8-WestWest 0.00.0     9595
Valle de Hecho, Hecho Huesca 10.010.0 00 1-CalmCalm 55 6-SouthSouth 0.00.0     9292
Valmadrid Zaragoza 14.714.7 55 5-South-eastSouth-east 1414 5-South-eastSouth-east 0.00.0     8989
Zaragoza, Aeropuerto Zaragoza 17.117.1 1010 5-South-eastSouth-east 2121 5-South-eastSouth-east 0.00.0 985.2985.2 0.00.0 8282
Zaragoza, Valdespartera Zaragoza 17.117.1 77 5-South-eastSouth-east 1717 5-South-eastSouth-east 0.00.0 984.6984.6 0.00.0 8080
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